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Thursday, September 23, 2010

NO Manners on the Field

Since I have the pleasure of not having to deal with the same things that I did last year, I won't be talking about the same things much this year. This will probably be the first post that has nothing to do with teachers! *clap, clap, clap* Yay! But sadly, there is something that I must complain about. Due to my recent writer's block this may not be as funny as the last few but hey, I'm trying. For the sake of privacy I'll just call my subject "Jamie".

Jamie doesn't have respect for other people's belongings. She decides that if she's interested in something then she'll go on ahead and touch it without the other person's permission. This bothers me because Jamie likes to touch my belongings when I sit next to her in Algebra 2. It's not that my things are extremely valuable, it's just that I would like for her to ask FIRST.

It's funny, I was going to post this on Friday, but I waited too long to write it out and lost the emotion. Now that she's gone and done it again (even after the nasty look that I gave her the first time) she has successfully refueled the fire.

On Monday there was an activity that we were doing at the beginning of class. It was imperative that everyone had a graphing calculator for the activity, and if your neighbor didn't have theirs with them then you were asked to share.

I had mine, but my neighbor, Jamie, did not.

No biggie... I was in some-what of a good mood, so I shared. The activity went well, we got it done. After that we were given an assignment out of the book. It wasn't group work so I took my calculator back and kept it next to me so I could use it while I did my work.

There was one particularly hard problem so I moved to grab my calculator to use it, but when I did it wasn't where I had left it. I found it laying on Jamie's desk and she was using it to solve a problem of her own.

After she finished and placed it back on my desk she noticed that I was (purposely) giving her a nasty look and she smiled and thanked me for letting her borrow my calculator. STRIKE ONE.

The second offense. I've had a serious case of writer's block for quite a while and so I've taken up drawing as a form of expression. Well...maybe it's not exactly drawing. All I do is take a part of the lyrics to a song and write it down and decorate it. I guess you would cal it creative writing because I use a lot of my markers and pens to make it look pretty. I do that a lot in Algebra II during class because it helps me focus. One day, Jamie decided that she wanted to doodle on her hand with one of my markers. She grabs one, writes on her hand, and then puts it back in the wrong place. Since I'm OCD and I keep each marker in order by color in their little slots , when she moved it out of place she made my brain spaz out. I glared at her again and put the marker (rather loudly) back into place. This time instead of thanking me she just said "oh."

OH?! OH?!She put my things out of order and all she has to say for herself is OH??? When she did that she really angered me but I held it in...it was quiet in the classroom so I couldn't go off on her without being noticed, and even if I could I wouldn't have. I'm too nice for that. But anyway. STRIKE TWO.

The last offense bothered me the most. One of my favorite things about my binders this year is that all of them are black. I did this because I wanted a reason to ask my mom to buy me a silver Sharpie so that I could write on them. Armed with my silver Sharpie I doodle on my binders whenever I get bored and don't know what else to do. It was the end of class one day and since I already finished my assignment for homework I decided to doodle on my binder. I put down my marker for one second and next thing I know Jamie is doodling on my binder! She wrote a message on it and signed her name on it so that I knew it was her. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't want to explode. I was so angry that I couldn't do anything but read for the rest of the class period. STRIKE THREE! Shouldn't she be out?

I know that I'm not the only one in the world who has do deal with mannerless people and I think it's sad that so many people didn't listen to their mothers when they were younger.

Learn your manners! Don't touch other's posessions without permission!

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