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Monday, May 17, 2010

The First Time They've Taken a Fire Drill WAY Too Seriously

I've never really had a major problem with fire drills. Usually the only problem that I have (if any problem at all) with them is the outdoor weather. It's either it's hor or it's cold... Well today was almost a totally different story. We did have a fire drill today but this time it was different. It interrupted my Chemistry quiz (giving me more time to think about the problem that I was on [thank god]) So everyone was pretty happy. I met up with Liz on the way to the designated fire drill location and we talked about how she was sun-burnt and the bright outdoors wasn't helping very much. Since she was in a totally different class we had to part in order to gather with our classes. In middle school we had to line up, but at some point in time the concept of the line escaped our minds...but that's a topic for a different post. It was burning up out there and I was the genius who didn't take off my jacket while I was still inside. We "lined up" outside the way we normally do and waited for the cue that tells us we could go back inside. When I say we waited I mean that we stood there talking and goofing around. It was alright before, I don't know what changed. Before we knew it the C.E.O and principals were yelling at us and telling us to move down past the dugout that my class was directly behind.There were approximately over 600 of us and they were asking us all to move down so much that we ended up being smushed together in the boiling heat...not exactly the most comfortable feeling in the world. They never complained about us being aligned with the dugout before but they chose the 2nd to last week of school to start. Does that make sense? That and the noise levels were both the norm for us and they just decided to try and change it...like THAT makes any sense.

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